Hamas thinks Israel's plan for East Jerusalem is meant to "Judaize" the area

Following the Israeli government's approval of a substantial five-year budget of 3.2 billion NIS for East Jerusalem, the Hamas terrorist organization issued a public statement denouncing the plan, affirming, "Our steadfast Palestinian people will not allow damage to Jerusalem and its identity."

In its statement, Hamas characterized the Israeli government's endorsement of the strategic plan for Jerusalem's development as a "malicious Jewish move." According to the organization, this action by what it calls the "fascist settler government" is designed to tighten control over the occupied city of Jerusalem, isolate it from its Palestinian environment, dismantle the Palestinian bloc, and reshape the demographic reality within the Holy City. Hamas also accused Israel of advancing its interests through plans to "Judaize" the city and displace its Palestinian inhabitants while suppressing construction activities in the areas occupied by Jerusalemites (Palestinians). It alleged further criminal actions, such as house demolitions, based on what it describes as flimsy pretexts and excuses.

The statement by Hamas culminated with a resolute declaration: "We in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) confirm that this fascist plot is a new racist crime, affecting the occupied city of Jerusalem, its identity, and its people, before the very eyes and ears of the world. Our steadfast Palestinian people will not permit any harm to Jerusalem and its identity and will oppose the occupation's plans in the settlements. Jerusalem will remain the eternal capital of Palestine, and all the occupation's malicious projects and plans will not succeed in eliminating the Palestinian presence there."

On the governmental side, the five-year plan for East Jerusalem, spanning 2024 to 2028, was approved to address social and economic disparities and foster economic development in the region. The decision was proposed by the Minister of Jerusalem and Israel Traditions, Meir Parosh, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, the Jerusalem Municipality, and various governmental agencies.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his support for the decision, stating, "Our government cares for all citizens and residents of the State of Israel, and it strengthens our policy in favor of a united and strong Jerusalem, under Israel's sovereignty. That is why today we brought to the government a decision in favor of the residents of East Jerusalem; a very important decision; a decision in the amount of 3 billion NIS that will change the face of the city of Jerusalem. This decision includes massive development of infrastructure, reform of the health system, reform of the welfare system, increasing personal security, increasing employment, and increasing the number of those entitled to matriculation certificates. We are building Jerusalem, we are strengthening governance in Jerusalem, we are uniting Jerusalem."

This development highlights the deep-rooted tensions and conflicting perspectives that continue to define the situation in Jerusalem, one of the most sensitive and complex issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It also underscores the Israeli government's commitment to advance development initiatives in East Jerusalem, in sharp contrast with the staunch opposition and severe criticism from Hamas.

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