Mossad Director David Barnea (Source: @clashreport - Twitter)

Mossad Chief David Barnea Highlights the Urgency of Countering Iranian Threats Amid Growing Concerns Over Russia-Iran Arms Deals

In a recent speech at Reichman University during the annual conference of The International Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Mossad Chief David Barnea underscored the urgent need for global action to counter Iran’s policy of terrorism. He disclosed that over the past year, the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, successfully thwarted 27 Iranian-plotted terror attacks targeting Israelis and Jews worldwide.

Mr. Barnea emphasized that such an extensive pattern of attempts to wreak havoc calls for the international community to impose an unprecedented economic toll on Tehran. "It's imperative that the global community exact a high price for Iran's state-sponsored terrorism. The time has come to raise the stakes, extending beyond targeting only the operatives and commanders behind these acts," he cautioned.

He stressed that should Iranian proxies or weaponry cause harm to Israelis or Jews, consequential action would be taken against not only the operatives but also the highest echelons of Iranian leadership. "I'm unequivocal in my warning: the price for any harm inflicted will be exacted directly from Iran, reaching as high as the regime’s top decision-makers," Barnea assured.

One pressing concern raised by Mr. Barnea was the looming possibility of Russia supplying Iran with advanced weaponry, thereby augmenting the Islamic Republic's military capabilities. He attributed Iran's growing boldness to the prospective aid from Moscow. "The possibility of Russia arming Iran with state-of-the-art weaponry poses an alarming threat to Israel and should be a concern for the international community as well," he observed.

Barnea offered a candid assessment of Iran's nuclear ambitions, stating that the regime is rapidly progressing toward nuclear capability. Despite ongoing discussions with the U.S. and international sanctions, Iran continues to enrich uranium at levels reaching 60%. "Even if all negotiated terms with the U.S. are met, it won’t negate the progress Iran has already made or diminish their stockpiled uranium," he said.

He also castigated Iran for its continuous violations of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) guidelines. "The Iranian regime has not provided satisfactory explanations for the undeclared nuclear material found at certain sites, making their intent glaringly obvious," Barnea argued.

Adding to the complexity of the situation, the Mossad chief highlighted the expiration of the United Nations-imposed missile embargo next month. He warned that Iran is poised to swiftly acquire the necessary components to advance its missile and UAV programs. "The confluence of terror, nuclear ambitions, and missile development under the aegis of an unrestrained terror state requires a unified, resolute response from the international community," he stressed.

In summary, Mr. Barnea’s message was unequivocal. Iran's activities pose a critical and immediate threat that cannot be ignored or downplayed. The regime's intent is clear: the perpetuation of state-sponsored terrorism, the relentless pursuit of nuclear capabilities, and a flagrant disregard for international norms. He called upon the global community to confront Iran with "aggressive force and strong resolve," emphasizing that time for diplomatic leniency has run its course.

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