Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant has made a significant revelation, shedding light on Iran's military activities in southern Lebanon. In a recent speech at the Reichman conference, Galant disclosed that Iran has established an airstrip for military purposes in Kelat Jabour, located just 20 kilometers from the Israeli border. This revelation has raised concerns about Iran's intentions and its proximity to Israel.

Galant emphasized the gravity of the situation by pointing out the Iranian flag flying over the flight paths near the airstrip, highlighting Iran's plans to operate against Israeli citizens. He underlined that while the land is Lebanese, the control lies with Iran, and the ultimate target is Israel. Galant made it clear that if a conflict were to arise, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) would not hesitate to use lethal force to protect Israel's security interests. He also warned that Hezbollah and Lebanon would face severe consequences in such a scenario.

The Israeli Defense Minister further discussed Iran's efforts to establish a militia army aimed at terrorizing Israelis, not only in southern Lebanon but also in Syria. Galant affirmed that Israel, through its security apparatus, would prevent the establishment of Hezbollah in the Syrian Golan Heights. The goal is to prevent the use of Syrian territory as a platform for the transfer of weapons to Hezbollah, a move that could destabilize the region further.

Turning his attention to the Gaza Strip, Galant expressed concerns about the growing influence of Iranian-backed Palestinian terrorist organizations, such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad. He described them as agents in the service of what he referred to as the "Iranian axis of evil." Galant attributed the financing, weaponry, and guidance for Gazan terrorism to Iran. Moreover, he linked the wave of terrorism in Judea and Samaria to Iran, stating that Iran provides funding, weapons, and guidance with the aim of sowing destruction and terror against Israel and its citizens.

Galant's revelation about the Iranian airstrip in southern Lebanon coincided with a failed rocket launch by the Al Ayash Brigade of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Hamas Brigades from the Jenin area towards the Israeli settlement of Ram-On in the Gilboa region. While there were no injuries or property damage, the IDF identified it as an attempted launch of an improvised rocket, originating from Palestinian territory near the village of Silat Al-Hartiyah.

In response to these developments, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with British Foreign Minister James Cleverly in Jerusalem. Netanyahu stressed the importance of preventing Iran's nuclearization and the need to counter Iran's actions that threaten regional and global stability. The two leaders also discussed enhancing cooperation in security, technology, and economics, with a specific focus on artificial intelligence.

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