President of the United States, Joe Biden, arrived in Israel on Wednesday, commencing a significant diplomatic mission. He stood alongside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, engaging in a brief yet impactful discussion. Following this, a more extensive meeting took place with Israel's War Cabinet, attended by prominent ministers such as Yoav Galant, Benny Gantz, and Gadi Eisenkot. During this gathering, President Biden voiced his inclination to support Israel's perspective concerning the recent hospital explosion in Gaza. Furthermore, he expressed his intent to meet with representatives of the families affected by abductions and survivors of the recent Hamas attack.

In a joint statement with Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Biden conveyed, "This cabinet has come together and stands firm and united. I want you to know that you are not alone. As I emphasized earlier, we will continue to support Israel in its efforts to protect its citizens. We will also collaborate closely throughout the region to prevent similar tragedies." The president added, "75 years ago, the founders of this nation spoke of its foundation on principles of freedom, justice, and peace. The United States stands resolutely by your side to safeguard these ideals and promote lasting peace—today, tomorrow, and for generations to come. I promise."

Prime Minister Netanyahu assured President Biden that Israel's War Cabinet was unwavering in its commitment to achieving victory. He emphasized the uniqueness of this conflict due to Hamas' unconventional tactics. While Israel strives to minimize civilian casualties, Hamas actively seeks to maximize them. Hamas operates within the Palestinian population, employing them as human shields. The tragic consequences of this strategy were evident when Palestinian-launched rockets inadvertently harmed their own civilians.

In light of the hospital explosion in Gaza and Palestinian allegations implicating the IDF, Prime Minister Netanyahu pledged that Israel would do everything within its power to protect civilians and innocent lives. He affirmed his commitment to collaborate with President Biden to meet essential requirements and secure the release of the kidnapped individuals. Netanyahu concluded with a resolute statement: "Israel will prevail."

President Biden also addressed the hospital explosion, indicating his apparent acceptance of Israel's account, which attributed the incident to a failed launch by the Islamic Jihad. He expressed his sorrow and concern, stating, "I'm deeply saddened by the hospital explosion. Based on the information I've seen, it appears to have been caused by the other side, not by you. However, many people remain at risk, so we must overcome this challenge together," Biden explained.

Initially expected to be a brief visit of around five hours, President Biden's meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, attended by Minister Ron Dermer, head of the National Assembly Tzachi Hanegbi, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, extended beyond expectations, lasting well over an hour. This extended dialogue also included other key members of Israel's War Cabinet alongside Netanyahu and President Biden.

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