On the 13th day of the ongoing war in Israel, the steady stream of world leaders making their way to the nation to assess the situation and extend their support continues with the visit of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. As the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) persist with their targeted airstrikes and artillery offensives in Gaza and Lebanon, it remains apparent that both Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah possess the necessary resources to launch rockets indiscriminately into various regions of Israel.

The IDF's operations continue to intensify throughout the Gaza Strip. Over the past twenty-four hours, the Israeli military has successfully demolished hundreds of Hamas terrorist infrastructures, a substantial portion of which were located in the Sajaiya neighborhood. Among the destroyed targets were anti-tank missile launch sites, tunnel entrances, intelligence facilities, operational headquarters, and various other command centers. Additionally, a considerable number of mortar rocket launching positions were subjected to attacks, with the majority being swiftly neutralized. During the night, there was an operation that resulted in the elimination of Hamas commando force members who had orchestrated the surprise attack on Israeli townships surrounding Gaza. Fighter jets were responsible for the targeted strike that resulted in the demise of more than ten terrorists.

The escalating security tensions on the Israeli border with Lebanon have prompted embassies and international organizations to develop contingency evacuation plans. The Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar, which has close affiliations with Hezbollah, reported the evacuation of important documents and files from the airport. Simultaneously, security officials from international organizations have devised a plan to evacuate their personnel in coordination with the Lebanese army. Should the international airport in Beirut be closed, the army will facilitate their use of military airports and small ports for departure. In response to the heightened tensions, foreign and Arab embassies have raised their alert levels and initiated the evacuation of their respective staff members.

In a significant development, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar of the Democratic Party issued a statement retracting her earlier accusation that the IDF was responsible for the attack on the Baptist hospital in Gaza. This represents a rare apology from a congress member who has been known for her critical stance towards Israel. Previously, due to her harsh statements against Israel, Omar was removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee of the American Congress last February.

Furthermore, the US 6th Fleet command and control ship, Mount Whitney, is en route to the eastern Mediterranean to bolster US operations in the region, adding to the presence of two aircraft carriers already deployed.

Upon his arrival in Israel, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak emphasized his solidarity with the Israeli people. He underscored his support during this challenging period, stating, "Above all, I am here to express solidarity with the people of Israel. You have endured a terrible terrorist act, and I want you to know that Britain and I stand firmly by your side." Prime Minister Sunak is scheduled to hold meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog, and representatives of the families of abductees during his visit.

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