As Israel enters its 19th day of war, the situation in the region remains highly volatile. Airstrikes persist in Gaza, with a specific focus on targeting Hamas personnel and infrastructure. In addition to these airstrikes, Israel has taken action against rocket launchers located in Lebanon and the Syrian Golan Heights. Overnight, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Shin Bet forces engaged in intense confrontations with terrorists in Judea and Samaria, particularly within the city of Jenin.

Under the direction of Shin Bet, IDF forces executed numerous precision strikes against hundreds of military and governmental targets associated with Hamas over the past day. This aggressive approach resulted in the elimination of key terrorist operatives and the destruction of crucial infrastructure. According to an IDF spokesman, among the targets successfully neutralized were tunnel shafts, military headquarters, munitions warehouses, mortar bomb facilities, and anti-tank missile launch positions.

Furthermore, the IDF's operation extended to military bases and infrastructure belonging to the Hamas emergency mechanism. This mechanism had previously deployed blockades, hindering the evacuation of Gaza residents to the southern part of the Strip and consequently impeding their ability to defend themselves. Additionally, compounds and military headquarters under the jurisdiction of the Hamas security apparatus were targeted. This security apparatus oversees the administration of the terrorist organization within the Gaza Strip and is responsible for the arrest and imprisonment of Hamas dissidents.

IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari emphasized the significance of the nighttime attacks on Gaza's infrastructure, stating, "Our continued assault on Hamas aims to facilitate the safe evacuation of Gaza residents to the south." He further pointed out Iran's involvement, asserting that "Iran had supported Hamas before the onset of this conflict, providing training, weaponry, financial aid, and technological expertise. Even at this very moment, Iranian support persists, with instructions for terrorism originating from a single source: Iran."

Across the border in Syria, the IDF undertook a strategic move by distributing leaflets in the Daraa and Quneitra regions. These leaflets carried a clear message addressed to Syrian army leaders and personnel: "The Palestinian terrorist factions have persisted in launching rocket attacks from Syrian territory into Israel. The commanders of the Syrian army, particularly the commander of the 112th Brigade, bear full responsibility for any acts of sabotage originating from Syrian soil. Any sabotage against the State of Israel will be met with swift and decisive action. Consider yourselves warned!"

Despite ongoing operations in Gaza and Lebanon, the central and most intense combat zone during this phase of the conflict has shifted to Judea and Samaria. IDF special forces, in collaboration with the Border Patrol and under Shin Bet's guidance, operated in the Wadi Brokin area within the Menashe division. Their mission resulted in the arrest of two individuals wanted for suspected involvement in terrorist activities. In the course of these operations, Israeli forces exchanged fire with armed terrorists, resulting in successful hits on the assailants.

Simultaneously, in the Jenin refugee camp, another operation unfolded as armed terrorists fired upon IDF forces and even resorted to throwing explosives. In response, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was deployed to eliminate the immediate threat. It is worth noting that, despite these high-stress situations, there were no reported casualties among the Israeli forces involved in these operations.

Following the assassination of these terrorists, the "Lion's Den" terrorist organization declared a general strike in Palestinian cities as a show of solidarity. According to Palestinian reports, since the commencement of the conflict in the Gaza Strip, approximately 100 armed Palestinian militants have died in the West Bank.

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