The war in the Gaza Strip continues and according to a Reuters report, five Israeli security officials said that locating the vast underground tunnel network and deactivating it will be one of the focal points in the next phase of the war.

"The attack on the underground tunnels that pass under parts of northern Gaza will take time," the Israeli sources noted. "The Israeli tanks that are advancing towards the heart of Gaza City are facing heavy resistance from Hamas members who use the network of tunnels for ambushes."

"A terrorist appears from one tunnel shaft, fires a grenade, a rocket, then disappears only to appear at another tunnel entrance and attack again," the officials were quoted as saying by Reuters. To deal with the tunnels and the terrorists in them, the Combat Engineering Corps of the IDF uses explosives to destroy them, and so far has destroyed more than 100 shafts.

Reuters noted that Israeli security sources said that the forces on the ground were trying to gather more information about the tunnel network without entering them. "Robots and sniffer dogs were deployed to locate tunnel openings and to investigate the areas within them before a possible operation by specialist ground forces, including the commandos and the infantry units. The soldiers use bulldozers to destroy parts of the entrances to the tunnels.

According to estimates, Hamas' city of tunnels stretches for hundreds of kilometers, and the tunnels reach a depth of up to 80 meters in some areas. The report states that the IDF claimed that many of the tunnels are used by Hamas' command centers and rocket launchers, and that they are located around schools, hospitals and humanitarian institutions in northern Gaza, including Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

As the IDF begins its next phase of underground combat, other aspects such as the Israeli Air Force, remain in full force. An IDF fighter jet, guided by the intelligence of the Shin Bet, destroyed the warehouse of Abu Zina, who served as the head of the Industries and Weapons Department at the Hamas production headquarters. Abu Zina was one of the leaders of the terrorist organization's ammunition production and specialized in the production of A strategic and rocket launcher for Hamas terrorists.

Also, overnight IDF troops identified a terrorist squad that planned to fire anti-tank missiles at the troops. The soldiers directed an aircraft that attacked the squad and eliminated several terrorists. In addition, the fighters directed an aircraft to attack a terrorist squad that is responsible for firing rockets into the country and eliminated several terrorists.

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