On the 40th day of the war in Israel, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are conducting an operation near the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. This operation is carried out with a dual purpose: to address humanitarian and medical needs for patients inside the hospital and to eliminate the presence of Hamas which has established a headquarters underneath the facility. At the same time, there have been a number of Israeli and international reports about an upcoming hostage deal; this development has garnered significant attention, including comments from President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This morning, the IDF spokesperson provided additional insights into what they term a "targeted" operation near Shifa Hospital. According to the spokesperson, this operation is specifically aimed at areas where there is credible intelligence pointing to terrorist activities linked to Hamas. The spokesperson emphasized that this action is driven by operational necessity, given the ongoing security challenges.

The IDF spokesperson stated, "Before entering the hospital premises, our forces encountered explosive devices and encountered terrorist squads, leading to an exchange of fire in which the terrorists were neutralized. IDF personnel have also delivered essential medical supplies, including incubators and baby food, on behalf of the State of Israel to Shifa Hospital. Furthermore, IDF medical teams staffed with Arabic-speaking soldiers are present in the area to ensure that these critical supplies reach those in need."

Just prior to the IDF spokesperson's announcement, Ashraf al-Kidra, the spokesperson for the Gaza Ministry of Health, acting on behalf of Hamas, acknowledged that Israel had informed them of its intention to conduct an operation at the hospital in the near future. Reports also surfaced of clashes occurring at the hospital's entrance gates. In response to these developments, IDF spokesperson in Arabic, Avihay Adraee, issued a safety advisory to Palestinian residents in the northern Gaza Strip, urging them to evacuate southwards for their own protection. A humanitarian corridor was established in the Jabaliya area, open from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Wednesday.

In parallel with these events, Israeli sources indicated that negotiations for the release of hostages might reach a resolution within the next 48 to 72 hours. A high-ranking political official in Israel shared this information, and the War Cabinet was expected to convene to discuss the specifics of this potential deal. President Biden also commented on the prospect of hostage release, expressing optimism by stating, "I believe it's going to happen." He added, "Hold on, we're coming."

Since the outset of the conflict on October 7, Israel has detained approximately 2,600 Palestinian individuals suspected of involvement in terrorist activities. These detainees come from various regions, with a significant portion hailing from Judea and Samaria, and several hundred originating from Gaza, including members of the elite Nochba squads affiliated with Hamas. Consequently, Israel now holds a total of 7,254 detainees with links to terrorism.

The conflict has prompted the Israeli Prison Service to operate in an emergency mode since October 7th. This state of alert encompasses multiple contingencies, including potential disturbances, arson, assaults on prison staff, and external attacks on prison facilities. The heightened security measures have been particularly evident in prisons located in the southern region, such as Ofer prison, and those in northern Israel. All security wings are under lockdown, with limited exceptions allowing for one daily excursion.

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