Screencapture of IDF video showing forces in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continue their operations in the Gaza Strip, engaging in confrontations with Hamas operatives and targeting the organization's infrastructure. This ongoing conflict occurs despite an agreement between Israel and Hamas on a temporary ceasefire intended to facilitate the release of hostages. However, the ceasefire has yet to be implemented.

During the night, the IDF's 7th Brigade of the Armored Corps conducted several airstrikes against Hamas positions that were actively firing upon Israeli forces. Simultaneously, the Givati infantry brigade undertook a mission in Sheikh Zeid, near Jabaliya, where they successfully demolished numerous Hamas surveillance outposts.

In a significant development, the IDF's 14th reserve brigade of the armor uncovered a substantial weapons cache within a house in the Beit Hanon area. In another encounter, the 202nd Battalion of the Parachute Brigade engaged in a skirmish with Hamas operatives in northern Gaza, resulting in multiple casualties among the operatives.

Earlier, the Harel Armored Reserve Brigade had launched an attack against a segment of Hamas's tunnel network in northern Gaza, a site previously used by Hamas to launch attacks on Israeli forces. The IDF's 261st Reserve Brigade identified and subsequently destroyed a building in northern Gaza, which was being used by Hamas operatives as a weapons storage facility.

Additionally, the Israeli Navy executed targeted strikes along the Gaza coast, including an assault on a residential building that had been used by Hamas snipers to attack ground forces.

In a somber update, the IDF announced the loss of Captain Liron Shanir, a 25-year-old resident of the Ofra settlement and a member of the Golani Brigade's elite special operations unit, who was killed in the ongoing Gaza conflict.

Meanwhile, according to Israeli media, Hamas is anticipated to release the first list of hostages on Wednesday, with an initial group of about ten hostages expected to be freed. Following this, Israel will provide daily updates regarding the identities of the terrorists to be released in exchange.

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