Palestinian CCTV captures Israeli Forces in Tulkarem (Source: Telegram)

Since Wednesday night, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Border Patrol units have been active in Tulkarem, aiming to locate and neutralize explosives planted beneath roads. This operation led to an airstrike that resulted in the deaths of five individuals identified as terrorists.

The IDF stated, "Our aircraft targeted terrorists who were firing upon and hurling explosives at our forces, thereby posing a serious threat. We have successfully neutralized several prominent terrorist figures in the Tulkarem refugee camp." The operation is ongoing.

The mission involved firefights and terrorists throwing explosives at IDF soldiers. Israeli forces have detained approximately 3,000 Palestinians in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) since the onset of the Israel-Hamas conflict on October 7, as per Palestinian sources. Recent reports indicate that 40 Palestinians were arrested by Israeli forces in the last day alone, a figure corroborated by both the Commission for Prisoners' Affairs of the Palestinian Authority.

These arrests have taken place across various locations in Judea and Samaria, including Jenin, Hebron, Bethlehem, Nablus, Ramallah, Jerusalem, and Jericho, often involving raids on homes. The increase in militant activity in these areas is seen as an attempt to divert Israeli attention from the Gaza conflict or capitalize on it. In response, Israeli forces have been actively searching for terrorist cells and individuals intent on attacking Israelis.

A notable incident last week involved the apprehension of an armed group from Hebron near tunnels leading to Jerusalem. They were equipped with heavy machine guns, ample ammunition, axes, and knives. Arrests were made in various circumstances, including at homes, military checkpoints, through forced surrenders, or as hostages.

IDF operations often face hostile fire in Palestinian cities, and there have been instances where children are used to attack soldiers, feeding into a narrative of Israeli forces harming children. This exploitation of the radical Islamist ideology of "martyrdom," especially among the youth, raises concerns.

Following the surprise attack by Hamas in southern Israel on October 7, Israel intensified its systematic arrest operations in the region, coinciding with a series of attacks on the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces.

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