Temple Mount Riots Protesting Jewish Visits (Photo: Israel Police)

Rosh Hashanah in Israel became a huge operation for Israeli security forces amid non-stop petty terrorism in various locations throughout Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem.

Terrorists opened fire at IDF soldiers at a temporary military position near the Palestinian town of Asira A-Shamaliya, north of Nablus, where a massive riot broke out that included throwing stones and explosives at soldiers. At the same time, terrorists from the military arm of the Islamic Jihad shot at an IDF checkpoint in the area of ​​Kfar Jabba near Jenin and posted recordings of the shooting on different social media accounts.

As all of the events in Judea and Samaria were unfolding, Jerusalem was also saturated with conflicts during the days of the holiday. In protest of the Jewish ascension to the Temple Mount for Rosh Hashanah, 14 suspects were arrested Tuesday for participating in clashes with the security forces there. In addition, masked people threw Molotov cocktails in East Jerusalem and shot fireworks at police officers. The police said that "in the coming days, arrests are expected of those troublemakers and lawbreakers from the Temple Mount and East Jerusalem."

On the night between Sunday and Monday, some young people locked themselves in a mosque on the Temple Mount, and in the morning after, when the Jewish visits began, they shot fireworks at the police officers there. In the Lions' Gate area, Arabs confronted the police and threw stones at them. According to reports, most of the arrests made so far are of East Jerusalem residents.

The police were on high alert for Rosh Hashanah and at the beginning of the Jewish high holidays, the main goal was protecting Jerusalem and the Old City, which have been reinforced in recent days by many reserved forces.

The police said yesterday that the preparation will continue in the coming days and into the weekend throughout the city with an emphasis on crowded places, holy places and the old city. Until the end of the holidays, thousands of police officers will remain deployed at road checkpoints, in shopping and entertainment centers, in synagogues, and in gathering areas throughout Israel.

In recent months, senior officials of the Israeli security forces have repeatedly brought up the weakness of the Palestinian Authority, which fails to prevent the rise of terrorist organizations in various areas of the West Bank. The evidence clearly shows that in places where the Palestinian Authority is weak, the influence of terrorist organizations, led by Islamic Jihad and Hamas, is increasing. The IDF repeatedly is forced to operate in areas under Palestinian Authority jurisdiction due to the growing threats not treated by any other forces except Israel.

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