Defense Minister Gallant delivering remarks to IDF Northern Command (video snippet)

In a powerful address at the Northern Command headquarters this morning, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant delivered a clear and uncompromising message about the future of Hezbollah and the long-term implications of the ongoing military campaign. Against the backdrop of fierce fighting in the north, Gallant underscored that the campaign is not just about dismantling Hezbollah’s military infrastructure—it’s about ensuring that, when the dust settles, Iran’s prized proxy force in Lebanon is shattered beyond repair.

Gallant's Bold Declaration: "Hezbollah’s Collapse Will Reverberate Across the Middle East"

"When the smoke in the skies of Lebanon clears," Gallant proclaimed, "Iran will realize that they have lost the precious asset they have spent years cultivating—Hezbollah. A year after the war’s onset, Hamas is a disbanded organization, and Hezbollah, too, will be reduced to a broken, battered entity. They will no longer possess command and control capabilities, significant firepower, or leadership at any level. What remains will be a shell of the once-feared militant organization."

During his visit, Gallant conducted a situation assessment alongside Northern Command's Major General Uri Gordin and senior command officers. He was briefed on the IDF’s ground activities near the Lebanese border, which focus on eliminating Hezbollah's fortified positions and crippling their operational capacity. Gallant reiterated the importance of intensifying targeted strikes, not just against Hezbollah's rank-and-file but against the group's remaining field commanders and senior leadership.

Hezbollah Leaderless and Crumbling: Nasrallah Eliminated, Successors Fall

In his remarks, Gallant addressed the fate of Hezbollah’s leadership directly, noting that the elimination of Hassan Nasrallah, the group's long-time leader, was a turning point in the conflict. "Hezbollah is an organization without a head," Gallant stated bluntly. "Nasrallah has been eliminated, and his replacement has likely met the same fate. This has had a dramatic impact. There is no one left to make critical decisions. Hezbollah’s firepower, once heavily supported by Iranian investment, is now in disarray, reduced to what Hamas had at the beginning of the war—perhaps even less. Hezbollah, for the first time in its existence, is experiencing total paralysis. Fear and panic have gripped its ranks, and its very structure is eroding day by day."

The collapse of Hezbollah’s leadership has left a void that, according to Gallant, is impossible to fill quickly. The once-mighty organization, which Iran had spent years building into a potent regional force, is now floundering under the pressure of Israel’s relentless military campaign.

Gallant’s Vision: "Iran Will Realize Its Most Valuable Asset Is Lost"

Gallant didn’t mince words about the broader geopolitical impact of Israel's campaign against Hezbollah. "The entire Middle East is watching these developments closely," he said. "When the smoke clears, Iran will come to the harsh realization that its most valuable strategic asset—Hezbollah—has been destroyed. The regime in Tehran has poured billions into arming and training Hezbollah, but all of that investment will now be for naught."

He emphasized that Israel’s goal is not merely to punish Hezbollah but to ensure that the group can never again pose a serious threat. "One year into the war, the result is clear: Hamas is a disbanded terrorist group, operating in fragmented cells, and Hezbollah is a broken organization—without command, without control, and without firepower. Most importantly, it is an organization without leadership, at any level—political, military, or strategic."

Returning Peace and Security to Northern Israel

Gallant concluded by stressing the ultimate goal of the campaign: restoring safety and security to the residents of northern Israel. "Our objective is to return the residents of the north to their homes safely, without fear of the threat from across the border. The comprehensive actions of the IDF will make this possible, as Hezbollah is no longer the potent force it once was. When the time comes, northern residents will return to a region fundamentally changed, where they no longer have to fear Hezbollah's terror."

His message was clear: the destruction of Hezbollah will pave the way for a new era of peace in northern Israel, and Israel’s decisive action in this war will shift the balance of power across the region.

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