Israeli forces in Jerusalem chase down World Cup rioters

The Moroccan victory over Portugal is being celebrated all over the Arab world, perhaps even crossing a few red lines. In a series of videos published on social networks, bullets flying in the air, fireworks, sirens and reckless driving can be seen taking place in the Bedouin enclaves in the Israeli Negev desert.

As part of the events, the police arrested a 17-year-old boy from Tel Sheva who threw a stone at a police car and broke its front window. "The Israel Police will allow the spirit of sportsmanship but will act with zero tolerance against any manifestation of violence or danger to life," the police said responded in a statement.

Videos from within the Segev Shalom village were published showing local youths throwing stones at a police car, no one was arrested there. Additionally, traffic was caused in Lekia after many went out in their cars to celebrate. Some of the revelers drove wildly, also around traffic circles, and among other things endangered pedestrians. The celebrations in Lekia were also accompanied by bursts of gunfire throughout the night. 

In the Tel Sheva largely Bedouin local council, a warning was issued on Twitter to all residents. "There is no doubt that everyone is happy for Morocco. Celebrating the victory is also understandable, but throwing stones at the police or public property causes damage. The police intend to bring in soldiers, so we ask you to save your children and celebrate at home," the post, which was later deleted noted. The police later added that there was no intention to involve the IDF.

Minister-designate Itamar Ben Gvir slammed the police leadership Sunday morning in an interview, claiming that the police were instructed to flee. "They broke traffic lights and threw stones at the policemen. What did the police do? They left the scene. There was a police car there and it fled. Is this normal?" Ben Gvir wondered.

According to the designated minister, when he enters the office of national security, the police will no longer run away from such incidents. "It won't take a day or two, but that's the intention. For that, I want the tools to manage the policy and tell the police, along with the Southern District commander for example, β€˜what do you mean the cops are running away? We need to put 30 armored vehicles in there and take care of it. We need governance everywhere. Everyone will benefit from it."

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