Palestinians and activists planting trees in Area C

Palestinian activists from the area of the Hizma village, north of Jerusalem, arrived Sunday in an area near Route 60 with the goal of taking control of about 30 acres by planting fruit trees. The activists fenced off an area intended for their planting of about 1,000 trees, which partly belongs to the Israeli Perat Nature Reserve. This is a strategic area and the planting of the trees was meant to cut off the Israeli community of Adam from Jerusalem which is just a few short miles away.

In the Israeli right-wing forum "Struggle for every dunam", residents of the Binyamin hills who follow what is happening in these areas, said that this is an organized and planned strategy on the part of Palestinian activists: "This is an organized group that is part of a method they try by bringing groups of thousands of Arabs every week to the specific sites in Judea and Samaria. The nature of the groups is very nationalist, with Palestinian flags and nationalist signs, with the stated goal of getting the Jews' feet out of the place and turning it into a completely Arab nature reserve."

About two weeks ago, Arab shepherds accompanied by left-wing activists occupied the archaeological site in the Samarian site of Zarda. While they were marching, they set fire to waste left on the spot. Volunteers from the โ€œCommittee for the Protection of the Lands in Judea & Samaria" who arrived following the smoke, were met with stones being thrown, cursing, and obscene gestures from the activists and herdsmen.

According to the activists who were there: "In the last two months, we have witnessed a sharp increase in Palestinian activity in Area C. They are building more, invading more, and closing off as many strategic areas as possible. They are trying to do as much as possible before the policy in Judea and Samaria changes. Every day, every minute that a right-wing government is not established in Israel the situation gets worse. Every moment like this is another Palestinian victory."

Area C is under Israel's control according to the Oslo accords that were negotiated and signed by former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. The area is home to over 500,000 Israelis and around 300,000 Palestinians. The parties agreed that in a future peace agreement, Area C would most likely be incorporated into the Israeli state with land swaps most likely including several northern Israeli Arab villages. 

The Palestinians are reportedly making efforts to implement the so-called "Fayyad plan", and to create a Palestinian continuity between the villages through construction or planting crops, and the destruction of the Jewish communities in between. They are not alone in their mission, last week it was reported that a European Union document, which includes a list of tasks for Palestinians such as mapping the lands in the territories to prove Palestinian entitlement to the land and monitoring and tracking Israeli archaeological activity in the territory and strengthening infrastructure for Palestinians in territories C. The revelation about the EU policy came the same week as a massive bribery and influence-peddling scandal involving Qatar and EU lawmakers were revealed. Qatar is the primary funding source for the terror group Hamas and funds many anti-Israel NGO's that work to undermine the Jewish State.

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