Muslim combat soldiers breaking Ramadan Fast. (Photo: @GonenYonatan - Twitter)

The fifth lawmaker on the Arab-Israeli political party 'Ra'am' party list, Knesset Member Yasser Hujirat, spoke about the possibility of recruiting young Arabs into the Israel Defense Forces. His suggestion was met with a full frontal assault from a minor Arab party that failed to get enough votes to enter the Knesset during the last round of voting.

Hujirat, a rookie in the Knesset who won a seat in the most recent election, was interviewed by the ARABTV channel and spoke about the recruitment to the IDF among the Bedouin community in Israel. "There is a decrease in the recruitment rate in the Bedouin community. I try to educate people that if mandatory conscription is in exchange for receiving full rights, we will pay the price." Hujirat later added that "I am against conscription under the current circumstances, because I demand full equality of rights."

This statement by Hujirat was perceived by the Arab members of the Knesset from the various parties as setting a condition according to which if there is full equality of rights, the member of the Knesset from Ra'am will change his position and support conscription into the IDF.

The Balad Party, which supports allowing millions of Palestinian 'refugees' to return to Israel and handing Jerusalem to the Palestinians to serve as their capital, was quick to condemn the remarks and warned that "such dangerous statements that legitimize military service in exchange for budgets."

In a statement on behalf of the party, it was further stated "these are statements that are outside the national and social consensus of our people and our society. They lead to a distortion of the minds of our Palestinian Arab youth who think that relations with Zionism should be normalized in a practical way. It's a threat to identity, belonging, social fabric, and nationalism."

The statement continued: "Balad calls on all the bodies that represent our people, to condemn and reject these statements and warn against their consequences, especially when they come as a result of the political and national deviation led by Ra'am in recent times since its decision to join a Zionist government coalition hostile to our people and their historical rights."

Ra'am immediately attacked Balad and blamed them for the current right-wing government, in which Balad was not able to pass the threshold after refusing to join other Arab parties in an election coalition. "We and the entire Arab society are waiting for Balad to apologize for the kind service it gave to the extreme right and Netanyahu in burning over 130,000 Arab votes…Thanks to them an extreme government was established. We suggest that they do a tenth of what Ra'am does for Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa, the Palestinian people, and the Islamic movement wherever it may be and not be content with fighting on Facebook."

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