Illustrative: A Pipe Bomb was tossed at a Jewish owned building in Jerusalem overnight

During the night between Sunday and Monday, police forces from the Jerusalem district and Israel Defense Forces troops were called to the neighborhood near the City of David in East Jerusalem following a homemade pipe bomb that was thrown at a Jewish-owned building and exploded. There were no casualties in the incident, but the building was damaged. The police processed the scene, and forces searched the area, collected what evidence they could, and began investigating the case.

The pipe bomb attack comes just a few days after the murderous attack on the synagogue in the Neve Ya'akov neighborhood, and the Saturday morning attack in which Mohammed Aliwat, a 13-year-old terrorist, carried out another shooting attack, also within the city of David, a neighborhood known as Silwan to the Arab population but Jews who live there call it Kfar Hatemani (Yemenite Village) as historically, it was the neighborhood where Yemenite Jews settled in the 1800s. 

The report of the shooting on Saturday took place near the "Aderet" compound in the Silwan neighborhood of the City of David where Jewish compounds are scattered among the homes of Arab residents, was received at 10:42 at MDA's 101 centers in the Jerusalem area. 

The organization's medics and paramedics evacuated the two wounded from the attack to Shaare Zedek Hospital in the capital, suffering from gunshot wounds to their upper bodies. The hospital reported that "two wounded from the shooting attack in the Old City were brought to the trauma unit at Shaare Zedek Medical Center. One is in his 20s, wounded in a serious but stable condition, sedated and ventilated, and the other is a 47-year-old, who is also wounded in a serious and stable condition. Both are undergoing initial treatment and evaluation and will be sent for further testing." Shaare Zedek Hospital later reported that the injured father's condition has improved and is now classified as moderate.

The terrorist, as mentioned was only 13 years old and published a post on Facebook before the attack in which he asked for his mother's forgiveness: "God, either victory or shame. Forgive me, mother, you are going to be proud of me." It is still unclear where exactly the young boy got a gun, but several Jihadist movements in the Eastern part of Jerusalem have been taking credit for the attack.

Large numbers of Israeli troops raided Aliwat's family home to question the other members of his family. However, his family is denying any connection to the attack both for them and even their son. The family is claiming that their son, Mohammed just happened to be present when the attack happened, despite clear security camera footage showing Mohammad lying in wait behind a car clearly holding a gun, and then opening fire on a group of Jews walking by.

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