Dershowitz was among the signatories to the letter (Photo: @academic_la - Twitter)

About 50 law professors from different universities in the United States signed a letter Sunday in which they expressed their opposition to the Netanyahu-Levin plan for reforms in the Israeli judicial system. One of them is Professor Alan Dershowitz, who is considered to be close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a staunch Zionist. 

Dershowitz has been among the loudest voices in America against the coalition proposals which is significant since the former Harvard Law School professor is well respected across the political spectrum in Israel. 

"We, law professors in the United States who care deeply about Israel, strongly oppose the efforts of the current Israeli government to radically overhaul the country's legal system," the professors wrote in the letter. “The Supreme Court has almost every possibility of invalidating laws, which will greatly limit the judicial review of the decisions of the executive authority and reduce the independence of the Attorney General and legal advisors in various government ministries."

"Some of us believe that the Israeli Supreme Court holds too much power in certain aspects and will support reducing its power in terms of examining legislation and executive decisions, and others believe that there is no need to change the legal status quo," the professors continued. "Regardless of the disagreement between us, we are all very afraid that the speed and scope of the reforms will seriously weaken the independence of the judiciary, the separation of powers and the rule of law."

It also states: "These protective measures have contributed to Israel's prosperity in the past 75 years and have helped it face serious security, political and social challenges. Weakening the independence of the judiciary, the separation of authorities, and the rule of law will pose a serious risk to freedom of expression, human and civil rights, and efforts to reduce corruption, Which will make it difficult for Israel to survive such challenges in the future.”

“We hope for Israel's sake that it will choose a smarter path."

One of the signatories of the aforementioned letter is the infamous American jurist, Professor Alan Dershowitz, who Benjamin Netanyahu himself called "one of the top jurists in the world." About two months ago, he published a video in which he came out against the enhancement clause that the future coalition intends to enact.

“This would be a terrible mistake," Dershowitz said in the video. "I have been a student of the Israeli Supreme Court for half a century. The Supreme Court in Israel is a pearl, the diamond of courts around the world. It would be a terrible mistake to weaken its independence. Certain decisions of any court can be criticized, but the independence of the Israeli Supreme Court is essential not only for maintaining Israeli democracy  but also for Israel's attempt to present itself in an honest and positive way to the world."

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