National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir

A new report from the Hebrew “Maariv” newspaper claims the Israeli police will be sure to keep in touch with the families of murdered terrorist victims and update them on the investigation procedures and recorded developments, all this without harming the investigation itself or revealing confidential details.

The development is in accordance with the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, who instructed the police on the importance of keeping the families of victims in the loop, so they understand the justice process being pursued.

Since being appointed Minister of National Security, Ben Gvir has been exposed in discussions dealing with terrorist cases and has learned that the families of the victims are not informed of developments in those cases or the state of the investigation, and sometimes they are exposed to details through the media before even being informed by the authorities.

After examining the issue and finding that there is no directive that requires an update or a visit to the families of the victims, thus making those families feel that the police are ignoring their existence and managing the investigation files in a cold manner, he instructed the police to tighten the relationship with those families; including conducting visits to their homes and informing them of developments in cases related to their loved ones.

Ben Gvir’s instructions come after the deadly terrorist attack on Friday night that killed 7 and conclusive opinion from the former Director of Intelligence for the Israel Defense Forces, Tamir Hayman, who warned that Israel is at the beginning of a third intifada. In an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth, Hayman said that "We see here an intifada of young people, we see here the struggle of an entire generation we call the millennial generation, who have lost hope in their leadership and see the need to create a wave of violence."

Hayman added "In fact, the established organizations, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, are not at the forefront. On the contrary, the same dangers we see now belong to the same generation that is disillusioned with the old organizations, who recognize the wave and try to ride it."

Hayman said that the decisions made in the cabinet, which he defined as "tactical", are good, but do not solve the strategic problem. "We are leading in the world in understanding that deciding against terrorism is based on a systemic decision, and on the basis of many factors. Whoever puts the warning in one tool, no I remember the lessons from the last decade when we managed to deal relatively well with terrorism."

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