IDF Special Forces (Photo: IDF)

Israeli security forces operating in Nablus arrested the terrorists suspected of the shooting attack in which Israel Defense Forces Sergeant Ido Baruch was killed. Soldiers of the Duvdevan unit, the Golani patrol, the Shin Bet, and the border patrol participated in the mission, and the terrorists, Kamal Juri and Osama Tawil, were arrested along with three other suspects. There were no casualties among the Israeli forces, however, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent, in the mission, one armed militant was killed and several others were wounded in a firefight with the Israeli task force. The “Lion’s Den” terrorist squad announced that the militant who was killed was named Amir Basmat.

Eitan Baruch, the father of the soldier Ido Baruch, said that "we were informed at 03:00 AM by the Shin Bet that they caught the terrorists. There is no consolation in this, there is a relief, a kind of closure, I always knew that the Shin Bet and the army would catch them. The head of the Shin Bet who was with us during mourning promised that they would be caught and I had no doubt that they would get to them. I'm not a man of revenge, but this is closing a circle."

The attack in which Baruch was killed took place on October 11, 2022, when the soldier was shot near the Israeli community of Shevi Shomron while he was securing a march held there by Israelis. The terrorists, who at the time belonged to the Lion’s Den organization, arrived in the area by car, shot Baruch at short range, and fled. "Since the attack, intelligence and operational efforts have been gathered, and over the past few days, the Shin Bet located the safe house where the wanted persons were staying," the IDF and Shin Bet said in a joint statement.

In fact, dozens of Shin Bet employees, from all branches, participated in the hunt for the terrorists. The two knew they were wanted, conducted themselves secretly, and changed hiding places from time to time. The Shin Bet waited for the right opportunity to capture them with minimal risk to the security forces.

During Sunday night's arrests, Juri and Tawil exchanged fire with the Israeli team leading to both of them being injured. Incapacitated, the terrorists were captured by the forces and placed into custody. In the subsequent search of the building, two M-16 weapons were found and confiscated. The guns are suspected to have been used by the terrorists. They were then transferred to the Shin Bet for treatment and further investigation.

An IDF official said of the terrorists' arrest that "this is proof that there are no more safe houses in Judea and Samaria, and that we will reach everyone who needs to be reached." The head of the Samaria sub-region of the Shin Bet tonight informed the Baruch family of the arrests and promised that they will be investigated and prosecuted.

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