Muhammad Baradeya (L), a PA Officer carried out the attack

Three Israel Defense Forces soldiers, part of the Givati Brigade, were injured Saturday evening in an attack near Beit Omer in the Israeli-controlled area of Gush Etzion in Judea, one soldier is reportedly in critical condition. The Palestinian terrorist, Muhammad Baradeya, who is an officer in the Palestinian Authority’s National Security Forces and lives in the village of Zurif, was shot and killed.

The attack in Gush Etzion happened less than a day after the killing of Mohammed Alesibi in the Old City of Jerusalem, which has put the Israeli Police in a sticky situation due to a lack of security footage proving he indeed stole a police officer’s gun before being shot.

The report of the attack on Highway 60 in Gush Etzion, was received at 20:21 (8:21 PM) at the Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency services center in the Jerusalem region. According to the initial report, the terrorist put his foot on the gas pedal and struck the IDF soldiers who were there and engaged in the task of securing roads to prevent stone-throwing and shooting from the village of Beit Omer. Another IDF soldier who was not hit by the vehicle shot and killed the terrorist.

One of the injured soldiers is in serious, yet stable condition, another was moderately injured and the third was lightly injured. Paramedics from MDA said in a statement: "When we arrived at the scene, we saw three young men about 20 years old lying fully conscious and suffering from bruises on their limbs. We provided them with rapid medical treatment, which included bandages and giving medication, and evacuated them with the cooperation of an IDF medical force to the hospitals as their condition was severe, moderate, and mild."

The head of the Gush Etzion Council and chairman of the 'Yesha' (Yehuda & Shomron / Judea & Samaria) Council Shlomo Na'eman said in response to the ramming attack: "The enemy is raising its head again and trying to murder Jews wherever there are Jews and to remind us of the tangible threats against us. It is hard to see how a religious holiday [referring to Ramadan] turns into a holiday of attacks. We the Jews will never understand this. We will continue to build, develop and move on Israel's roads without fear."

In tandem with the attack in Gush Etzion, The monitoring committee of the Arab society announced a general strike tomorrow after the shooting of Mohammad Alesibi, a graduate of medical studies in Romania who was killed after it was reported that he stole a gun from an Israeli police officer and fired a shot while trying to ascend the Temple Mount before Ramadan prayers.

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