The Times editorial seeks to have the US meddle in Israeli democracy

An editorial published last night in The New York Times entitled 'The Fight for Israel’s Democracy Continues' covered the judicial reform promoted by the Israeli government alongside the widespread protest against it and wrote that the international pressure on the Netanyahu government, especially from the United States, must continue, despite the current Israeli coalition being voted in legitimately by a majority of Israelis.

The opinion piece states that "the attack on the judiciary was only the beginning of a broad campaign by the ultranationalist and ultrareligious parties, one that seeks to give Jewish settlers a far freer hand in further expanding and legalizing the West Bank settlements, change the status quo on the Temple Mount and relegate Arab citizens to a second-class status.”

According to the New York Times, "These measures would fundamentally alter Israel’s identity as a Jewish and democratic state, an identity that has always rested on a delicate balance between the secular and the religious, the progressive and the traditional, and the Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities of Israel’s Jews. And it would make the creation of a Palestinian state effectively impossible.”

The editorial then somehow tries tying in the Palestinian conflict to the internal Israeli debate as it advocates for a two-state solution as the only way in which a Jewish state can remain in existence. “As this board has argued for years, the security and even survival of the Jewish state depend on eventually achieving a durable peace settlement with the Palestinians, to include the formation of a state of their own.”

“But were the far-right parties to succeed in their designs on the West Bank and the Temple Mount or in curtailing the rights of Israeli Arabs, Israel would be on an untenable path in its treatment of Palestinians and Arab citizens, and the door to a negotiated settlement with the Palestinians would be closed.”

The New York Times, through their latest editorial and a number of others published in recent weeks regarding the political status of Israel, has effectively called for the Biden Administration to meddle in the natural democratic process of the Israeli system; all on behalf of their concerns as non-citizens of the State of Israel.

The article then concludes by saying: “For this reason, the pressure on Mr. Netanyahu and his government must be sustained by Israelis and by Israel’s true friends, especially the United States. The strong bonds that have long linked America and Israel are based on shared values, with democracy first among them. President Biden was right to defend those values, issuing an unusually strong rebuke on Tuesday: ‘Like many strong supporters of Israel, I’m very concerned,’ he said.”

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