The drone was taken down using electronic signals

A drone that penetrated Israeli airspace from Syrian territory into Israel Sunday night was located this morning in an open area north of the Sea of Galilee. Unusually, the drone was taken down by electronic warfare and not by a missile from an aircraft or from an anti-aircraft system. The army collected the drone’s remaining pieces, and it was transferred to a nearby base for furhter examination.

Using a relatively new electronic warfare system, signals were sent remotely to disrupt the movement of the drone and cause it to crash. In all recent situations of drones crossing into Israeli territory in the past two years, the Israel Defense Forces would shoot them down through divisional control centers established by the Air Force. The shooting down of an unmanned aircraft by this unique electronic warfare method is therefore considered a breakthrough and spells out a significant upgrade in the IDF’s electronic warfare capabilities led by the electronic warfare center.

After the hostile aircraft was identified, IDF helicopters and fighter jets were launched which had been hovering for a long time in the northern skies. The intercepted aircraft was being monitored by the Air Force's control unit, and it was shot down in an open area. The IDF said that no air siren was activated, in accordance with policy of not alarming residents of the area unless there is an active and practical threat.

Not much is known yet about the drone, with the exception of the fact that according to all Israeli reports the drone is likely Iranian. The device was brought down less than a day after an attack in Syria, the third in four days, targeted Hezbollah's drone capabilities. In Syria, it was reported during the night between Saturday and Sunday that Israel attacked outposts in the province of Homs in the center of the country. Western intelligence sources indicated that the attacks hit the line of "air bases" in a central region of the country, where Iranian military personnel is stationed.

According to reports in the country's media, five people were injured in the attack, all either Syrian or Iranian military personnel. The official Syrian news agency "SANA" reported that the Syrian air defense systems were activated following the attack.

The attempted drone attack comes after security officials in Israel warned of efforts by the Iranians, Hezbollah, and Hamas from Lebanon to incite the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria and encourage them to carry out attacks against IDF forces and Israeli communities. Sometimes, it is said, these are direct initiatives of the Iranians who provide money, weapons, and training, while other times it is Hezbollah and in rare cases, it is a joint effort of both parties.

Recently, the senior representative of Hamas in Lebanon also joined these plans and initiatives, which, as mentioned, were intended to be carried out mainly in the territories of Judea and Samaria and were supposed to cause an increased wave of attacks in the current month of Ramadan.

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