Palestinians often make false allegations to justify their incitement

In an effort to incite the Arab street, the terrorist organization Hamas warned Israel over non-existent plans to condict ritualistic sacrifices on the Temple Mount. In a statement published by the terror group it was stated that "the sacrificing plans of the Zionist settlers which desecrate the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, starting Wednesday, in the midst of the blessed month of Ramadan, is pouring oil on the fire."

Hamas assigned Israel the responsibility for the consequences of performing the Passover sacrifice on the Temple Mount, if this were to happen, and said that "the occupation bears full responsibility for the consequences of these crimes." The repressive terror regime stated that the response to these actions will be violent. "Our people will not stand idly by in the face of the insult and desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and disregard for the feelings of millions of Muslims around the world."

Hamas, who was joined by many other Arab media outlets throughout the Middle East, neglected to mention the Jewish holiday of Passover as the reason that sacrifices on the Temple Mount existed, and they also did not mention the existence of Solomon’s Temple as well as the second one known as Herod's Temple that the Al-Aqsa mosque and Dome of the Rock were built upon. However, it should be noted that most Jews and Israelis do not support the act of conducting the Passover sacrifice without the rebuilding of the Temple, and organizations that push for it are largely considered a minority, even extremist fringe group within Israeli society. In fact, along with the fact that the government has never sanctioned the activity and is not likely to do so, Israel often arrests those plotting to make the ritualistic sacrifice

Hamas further called on Palestinians to come to Jerusalem and deepen their opposition to Israel. "We call on our Palestinian people who are struggling against the occupation, to mobilize and raise the level of alertness, to tighten and strengthen the connection to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, to repel the aggression of the occupation and to thwart the plans of the terrorist settlers."

The topic of "sacrificing" flooded Arab accounts and was trending on many social networks. Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem appointed by the Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, spoke on a number of Arab radio stations and said: “Remember that last year in the month of Ramadan, the occupation tried to perform a sacrifice and failed. This year a decision was made to perform the sacrifice on Wednesday evening. We warn against these moves, which they [referring to all Jews] call 'religious actions'."  To clarify, the government of Israel has never authorized and is likely to never authorize the ritual and as mentioned, the group requesting it is small, however that did not stop Sabri from making it seem as if its a coordinated effort on behalf of the State.

"We call on them to stay away from the Al-Aqsa Mosque," Sabri added, "we will not allow the success of the attempt to take over the holy place through religious moves and Talmudic rituals. We see that every holiday they cause problems and increase tensions between the Palestinian and Israeli sides. We warn for the last time against these actions and impose that the current right-wing government bears full responsibility for any consequences."

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