Video capture of the Tzrifin stabbing scene

Two Israel Defense Forces soldiers were moderately and lightly injured Tuesday morning in a stabbing attack that happened outisde one of the gates of the Tzrifin military base in the center of the country. Hatzalah volunteer medical services provided medical treatment to the injured and evacuated them to the Assaf Harofeh Hospital which is adjacent to the base.

Magen David Adom paramedic Moshe Galbstein said: "There was a lot of commotion at the place. One of the wounded was lying on the sidewalk and the other wounded were sitting next to him. They were conscious and suffered from stab wounds on their bodies. We gave them initial medical treatment, which included bandaging to prevent continued bleeding."

Galbstein continued, "we quickly put them in the intensive care ambulance and evacuated them to the nearby hospital, with one of them in serious condition and the other in mild condition. The security forces nearby neutralized the terrorist."  

Benny Meshulam, a Hatzalah medic who happened to come across the incident said: "While driving I came across two injured people who suffered from stab wounds. One was in serious condition and his friend was in moderate condition. With the help of other medics, we gave them first aid at the scene and then they were taken to the nearby Shamir-Assaf Harofeh Medical Center. Due to the nature of the event, psychological first aid units of the Hatzalah Union were also operating there, providing assistance to a number of victims suffering from early signs of PTSD."

The Shamir-Asaf Harofeh Hospital reported: โ€œTwo young citizens with stab wounds were admitted to the Shamir Medical Center in the trauma room at the MLR. One is in moderate condition with punctures in the upper and lower body and the other is in mild condition. Both are undergoing extensive tests and are being treated accordingly.โ€

The Israeli police also released a statement: โ€œAround 9:50 AM, a report was received about the stabbing of two Israelis near the military base known as Tzrifin. Both stabbings were evacuated to Assaf Harofeh Medical Center. Citizens who were there arrested conducted a civilian arrest and the suspect was transferred to the police for further questioning.

Large police forces under the command of the central district commander Superintendent Avi Biton and with the help of a police helicopter have been conducting extensive searches in the area to rule out the existence of another suspect or any possible culprits. This attack marks the third terrorist attack on Israeli citizens and soldiers in just four days; thankfully there are no Israeli casualties.

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