Speculation is the Judicial Reform efforts will help Aryeh Deri return as a minister

Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri is openly demonstrating his commitment to supporting the continuation of judicial reform, with an emphasis on achieving broad consensus from the opposition. In contrast, Justice Minister Yariv Levin, a prominent figure in Likud, is already formulating the next steps, including promoting a law to alter the composition of the committee responsible for selecting judges. While Deri has been a driving force in advocating for compromise and broad agreements within the coalition, he remains dissatisfied with the current state of affairs. Recent updates from his party reaffirm his belief that the coalition must move in this direction to quell the turbulent emotions brewing among the public.

When the law to neuter the judiciary's use of the "Reasonableness Clause" was introduced, Deri unequivocally stated that he did not intend to use the law to return to the government's table as a minister. His decision was motivated by a desire to de-escalate protests, avoid becoming the focal point of the debate, and actively seek contacts to reach a resolution.

Recently, Deri expressed his frustration at a group of Knesset Members from the Haredi party 'Degel Hatorah' (United Torah Judaism) who chose to submit the "Torah study law" which codifies the study of Torah as being equivalent to mandatory service in the Israel Defense Forces into Israel's Basic Laws, at the height of public tension, right after the approval of the judicial reform clause. He stood in solidarity with all coalition heads, united in asserting that the law had not been agreed upon and would not be promoted. This sentiment was conveyed in a message published in the newspaper "Haderech," associated with the Shas party.

The publication emphasized the foundational values of responsible leadership, as exemplified by Maran Rabbi Ovadia Yosef and the public leadership of Maran and Rabbanan sages and elders of Israel. It highlighted that while reforming the judicial system is a necessary pursuit, it is essential to consider the current situation and the potential consequences of further deterioration.

Furthermore, the newsletter extended a conciliatory message to the government's opponents: "Loyal Judaism seeks no conflict. We not only abstain from adding fuel to the fire burning in the public arena but also hope for the bridging of divides, reaching agreements, and promoting sanity and calmness on all fronts. This is vital for everyone, and any attempt to forcibly involve us in the fray will prove futile."

Deri's stance underscores the significance of finding common ground and achieving consensus in the pursuit of judicial reform. He recognizes the need to address concerns and seek balanced solutions that align with the principles of responsible leadership. As the debate persists, it remains crucial for all parties to prioritize cooperation and understanding, working collectively to advance the best interests of the country and its citizens. In these challenging times, it is imperative for leaders to act with wisdom and reason, seeking solutions that foster unity and stability in the nation.

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