Foreign Minister Eli Cohen is prepping diplomats on Judicial Reform

Amidst the international condemnations and criticisms following the approval of the law to reduce the "Reasonableness Clause," the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs took action by disseminating instructions to Israeli missions worldwide on how to engage in diplomatic negotiations regarding the judicial reform legislation.

The document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasizes that the Israeli government's objective with the reform is to bolster the legislative authority. The government perceives a recent shift in the balance between the branches of government, with the legislative authority experiencing a weakening of its position.

Additionally, the document highlights that the recent demonstrations in Israel serve as a testament to the country's democratic values. The government affirms its commitment to maintaining a robust democracy, protecting the rights of all citizens, and ensuring that Israel remains a state governed by the rule of law rather than religious doctrine. It reassures that the court will continue to operate independently without succumbing to any external influence.

Simultaneously, UN Human Rights Commissioner Volker Turk called on the Israeli government to attentively listen to the voices emanating from the protest movements. He urged the authorities to respect the concerns raised by the protestors, who seek an independent judicial system that will oversee other government authorities and safeguard the rights of all citizens.

As the protest expected on Thursday night draws near, Eran Schwartz, director of the movement's headquarters, shared in an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth that the nature of the struggle has evolved. Originally focused on halting Judicial Reform, the protestors now aspire to preserve democracy for future generations. While certain groups advocate for an "Evening of Resistance," Schwartz clarified that Saturday demonstrations will persist across 150 locations in the country, with changes in the format of some events.

In the ongoing dialogue between various organizations, there is a realization that the conventional method of speeches and platforms is no longer as effective. Instead, they plan to establish discussion circles, engaging with individuals who, while liberal-minded, had not previously been part of the protest movement. The goal is to foster dialogue, reaching out to those who feel alienated from the government. Various formats related to resistance and continued protest will be explored.

Schwartz emphasized that ministers and Members of the Knesset will continue to be held accountable in a non-violent manner, as the protestors believe in upholding their moral responsibility.

As the protests persist, both domestically and internationally, the Israeli government faces mounting pressure to address the concerns raised by the demonstrators and safeguard the integrity of its democratic institutions. How the government responds to these ongoing challenges will be closely watched by the public and the global community.

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