Benjamin Netanyahu on Fox News' Mark Levin show

In a recent interview with conservative commentator, Mark Levin on the America-based Fox News, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asserted his policy of not interfering in the internal debates of other democracies. He emphasized that, throughout his 16 years in office, he has refrained from commenting on such matters, and he believes other leaders should exercise the same restraint. Netanyahu pointed out that people often express opinions about Israel's internal affairs while avoiding similar comments about other countries' issues, highlighting a perceived double standard.

Referring to the ongoing judicial reform in Israel, Netanyahu responded to questions about whether he advises other countries on their court systems. He argued that everyone has opinions about Israel but does not tend to focus on internal debates in other nations. He clarified that Israel is a sovereign democratic country, where decisions are made by the elected government, and he respects other countries' right to do the same.

Since Justice Minister Yariv Levin introduced the judicial reform in Israel, various leaders in Western countries have urged the government to reach a broad consensus and avoid unilateral changes in the legal system. President Joe Biden was among those who engaged in discussions with Netanyahu before the "Reasonableness Clause" was canceled, encouraging him to seek a broad consensus on the matter.

During a series of interviews last week, Netanyahu disclosed that he was invited to the White House by President Biden in the fall, potentially in September. However, the White House did not confirm the invitation, leaving the details uncertain. Netanyahu emphasized the strong relationship between Israel and the US, citing shared interests in countering Iran and promoting peace. He expressed confidence that their collaboration would strengthen their alliances rather than weaken them.

Regarding potential consequences from the US for approving the legislation to repeal the "Reasonableness Clause," Netanyahu remained steadfast in his belief that relations with the US would remain robust. He reaffirmed their shared goals and commitment to achieving them together.

On the issue of complying with a ruling from the High Court of Justice, should it reject the legislation, Netanyahu adopted a cautious approach. He expressed hope that it would not come to that point and warned against venturing into uncharted territory, implying that he was unwilling to commit to complying with an unfavorable ruling.

Throughout his interviews with American media, Netanyahu emphasized Israel's sovereignty and democratic decision-making processes while acknowledging the importance of strong relationships with international partners. As the political landscape continues to evolve, Netanyahu's stance on these issues will likely play a significant role in shaping Israel's future domestic and international policies.

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