Mika Almog in an elaborate presentation to President Biden

Mika Almog, the granddaughter of former President and Prime Minister Shimon Peres, has released a video urging US President Joe Biden not to invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Washington. In the video, she presents ten reasons why she believes Netanyahu should not be granted an invitation.

Almog claims that Netanyahu's primary goal is to obtain a photo opportunity with President Biden to showcase a positive relationship with the United States, regardless of the meeting's content. She believes that without constraints, Netanyahu will continue to pursue actions she refers to as a "judicial coup."

This is not the first time Almog has expressed her opposition to Netanyahu's conduct. In a video published in April 2019, she boldly criticized the prime minister's leadership style, stating that she and others are tired of living under a government that sows division among the people and undermines democracy.

Shortly before Almog's video was released, Netanyahu implicitly criticized Western leaders, including President Biden, for their statements against Israel's judicial reform. In an interview on Fox News' Mark Levin show, Netanyahu asserted that during his six terms as prime minister, he had refrained from commenting on internal debates in other democratic countries. He emphasized that Israel, as a sovereign democratic nation, would make its decisions independently.

The prime minister also took the opportunity to criticize the Israeli judicial system, particularly the Supreme Court, which he labeled as the most activist court in the world. Netanyahu expressed his respect for the judges as individuals but asserted that some of them were not elected and yet made decisions on behalf of the people. He stated that the government's goal was to restore the balance of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, which he believed had been disrupted.

Netanyahu's statements and Almog's video underscore the ongoing political tensions in Israel, particularly concerning the judiciary's role and Netanyahu's leadership. As the country faces domestic and international challenges, the debate over its democratic institutions continues to be a significant point of contention.

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