Esther Horgan was murdered by Muhammad Kabha while Jogging

If there is one thing that could come from the murder of Esther Horgan in 2021, it is that European Union Parliamentarians became aware of how much her murderer is being paid monthly by the Palestinian Authority.  On the two-year anniversary of the attack in which Horgan, a Samaria resident was murdered near her home, the head of the Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, hosted a conference in the European Parliament where he demanded an end to the transfer of EU funds from the Palestinian Authority to Palestinian terrorists in Israeli prisons. 

The conference opened with the lighting of a Jewish traditional memorial candle for Horgan, who held European citizenship. The ceremony took place Wednesday in the presence of Esther's husband, Benjamin, her daughters Odalia and Abigail, the head of the Samaria Council Yossi Dagan, and more than ten members of the European Parliament. Israel's ambassador to the European Union, Haim Regev, also took part in the conference.

The head of the Samaria council, Dagan, called for a halt to the transfer of the Union's funds to the Palestinian Authority until they could guarantee they are not being used to encourage or reward terror: "We are here to remember Esther Horgan, who was murdered exactly two years ago. Terrorism hurts the families left with their pain every day." Dagan addressed the members of parliament: "Your money, which comes from the taxes paid by hundreds of millions of European Union citizens, is used to encourage the murder of Jews in the State of Israel. The Palestinian Authority transfers half a billion shekels ($150,000,000) a year to terrorists in Israeli prisons. So I ask you - is it not profitable for them to murder Jews? Promise that you will do everything to Stop the madness."

Benjamin Horgan, the husband of the late Esther, told the parliament about his wife: "She was a therapeutic artist, who loved nature, sports, trips, and of course her family. Exactly two years ago she went on a trip and never came back. When we were told her body had been found, it was a total shock.”

Benjamin added that "the Palestinian Authority has a law that says that if you are in an Israeli prison for murdering a Jew, you will receive a salary, which is also budgeted by the European Union. I know most MEPs are blindly pro-Palestinian. You have to come and see reality with your own eyes. Israelis and Palestinians work and live together, peacefully. Some of them do the opposite, and unfortunately, these are the leaders of the Palestinian Authority."

The member of the European Parliament from the Netherlands, Bert Jan Ruissen said "We express solidarity with the entire Israeli people, and clearly condemn any kind of terrorism." A Czech member of the Parliament, Tomáš zdechovský, added that "I was amazed to find out that Esther's killer would receive four million shekels from the Palestinian Authority during his lifetime for committing the horrible crime. We must not tolerate any terrorism."

Aside from Palestinian Authority funds being used to pay prisoners who attacked Israelis, hundreds of millions more go to supporting the families of terrorists who were killed by Israeli forces. The PA also funds 'youth groups' controlled by militant groups that train children on weapons use and tactics, and tens of millions go towards a massive digital propaganda industry that operates dozens of Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter accounts that push a narrative the entirety of Israel is Palestine. The narrative goes against the agreements the Palestinian Authority signed with Israel, and according to several of them including the Oslo accords, should disqualify them from much of the funds they receive including those coming from the European Union.

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