In a revelation spanning over 11 pages, Hamas's sinister intentions were laid bare, offering an unprecedented glimpse into the intricacies of this militant organization's strategies. Within this classified document, detailed plans came to light, including the infiltration of highly skilled operatives into Israeli territory, the occupation of surrounding Israeli townships, and the ominous specter of hostage-taking. However, the most unsettling revelation was their primary objective: "the destruction of Israel by 2022 and the liberation of all Palestinian territories."

This classified document, currently circulating throughout Israel, bears the date of December 21, 2016, and bears the signature of the then-Minister of Defense, Avigdor Lieberman. It emerged from a deep-seated concern about the growing influence of Gaza's ruling terrorist organization, Hamas. Despite the gravity of its contents, this ominous warning did not receive the attention it deserved from key figures, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot.

The document, marked "top secret," provided a comprehensive assessment of the Gaza Strip's situation, along with the Minister of Defense's perspective at the time. It outlined ambitious goals, with a focus on ensuring that any future confrontation between Israel and Hamas would be the last. The document stressed that this could only be achieved if Israel managed to surprise Hamas with a sudden, frontal strike. Additionally, it detailed the necessary actions required to neutralize the majority of Hamas military leaders.

In a remarkably prescient and unsettling manner, the document described a horrifying terrorist attack set to occur seven years later. It grimly cautioned against delaying a pre-emptive strike on Gaza beyond July 2017, asserting that such a decision would carry severe consequences, potentially surpassing even the impact of the Yom Kippur War. These consequences would manifest in the form of damage to the Israeli home front, the psyche of its citizens, and Israel's image and standing in the region.

The document left no room for ambiguity regarding Hamas's intentions, stating, "Hamas intends to transfer the next conflict to Israel's territory, while deploying significant and well-trained forces, possibly even occupying Israeli towns and settlements in the Gaza Strip, and taking children as hostages." Such actions, beyond the physical harm they would inflict, were predicted to have a profound impact on the consciousness and morale of Israeli citizens.

It delved into Hamas's strategic and tactical objectives, highlighting the organization's ultimate goal, quoting from the document itself: "the destruction of the State of Israel by the year 2022." This goal, it was alleged, was emphasized during discussions within Hamas' "executive committee" in Qatar in September 2016. According to the document, Hamas stressed the need for a "calm period" to fortify its position and readiness.

In its conclusion, the document issued a stark warning, quoting directly from its text: "Not taking an Israeli initiative until the middle of 2017 would be a grave error that could lead Israel to a difficult strategic situation. This could lead to an unplanned deterioration when, in such a scenario, Israel would no longer be able to thwart the leadership of the military wing of Hamas, or worse - Hamas will start a conflict at a convenient time for it. I believe that the consequences of such a move on the part of Hamas could be far-reaching, in some ways even more than the results of the Yom Kippur War."

In hindsight, Avigdor Lieberman's resignation from his position at the end of 2018 and the dissolution of the government takes on new significance. He declared, "The question being asked is why now. As far as I'm concerned, what happened yesterday - a cease-fire - combined with the entire agreement process with Hamas is a capitulation to terrorism. It has no other definition or meaning but capitulation to terrorism. We buy short-term peace at the price of a serious injury to long-term national security."

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