Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has called for an urgent discussion within the war cabinet concerning the funds allocated to the Palestinian Authority. This demand follows the public support expressed by senior Palestinian officials for what Smotrich termed "horrific massacres" committed by Hamas. In a letter addressed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Finance Minister emphasized that he has been instructed to postpone the transfer of these funds until a comprehensive review is conducted by the cabinet, culminating in a decision regarding the fund transfer.

In his letter, Minister Smotrich underscored the urgency of the matter, stating, "We must not turn a blind eye to this situation. Given the Palestinian Authority's endorsement of the atrocities carried out by Hamas, I have urged the Prime Minister to convene an immediate cabinet meeting to deliberate on the continuation of fund transfers. Until a decision is reached, we must suspend these funds. In my correspondence with the Prime Minister, I made it clear that I am withholding the transfer until the cabinet conducts a thorough assessment of the situation. The Palestinian Authority's recent actions reinforce what we have been emphasizing for years: it is an organization that supports terrorism. Therefore, regardless of the connection between these funds and the Gaza Strip and its inhabitants, they are being employed for activities against the State of Israel and its citizens. It is inconceivable that, in light of these circumstances, we continue disbursing these funds as if nothing has occurred."

This development coincides with reports suggesting that Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh has stated that the Palestinian Authority will not regain control of the Gaza Strip unless a comprehensive agreement is reached. Such an agreement would encompass the annexation of the West Bank and the establishment of a unified Palestinian state.

Over the past month, several global media outlets have presented potential strategies on Israel's part, which could shape the future of Gaza following the recent conflict. Al-Sharq al-Awast newspaper reported that Israeli officials are contemplating the formation of a temporary administration in the Gaza Strip, potentially involving Arab nations. This transitional government's objective would be to restore control of Gaza, which has been under Hamas' authority since 2007, to the Palestinian Authority.

In an interview with "The Guardian," Prime Minister Shtayyeh articulated his stance, stating, "If we were to regain control of Gaza and assume responsibility for its governance without finding a political solution for the West Bank, it would appear as if we are entering Gaza via an F-16 or an Israeli tank. This is unacceptable to me, and our President, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), shares this sentiment. Neither of us will accept such an arrangement."

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