In the midst of growing calls for a ceasefire, Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as the "Green Prince," and a former Shin Bet agent within the Hamas terrorist organization, expressed his perspective on the ongoing conflict. Yousef, whose father, Hassan Yousef Khalil, is a prominent figure within Hamas in Judea and Samaria, shared his thoughts in a video uploaded to social media. He emphatically stated, "We must not come to terms with Hamas."

Yousef highlighted that Hamas has not yet relinquished its grip on power. Despite growing up in a strict Islamic society and being groomed for leadership within Hamas, he later converted to Christianity. He argued, "These calls for a ceasefire essentially imply allowing Hamas to evade accountability for its crimes. They aim to escape with their destructive strategy, which seeks to annihilate the State of Israel while endangering the lives of Palestinians, often using them as human shields. To that, I say 'no.' We cannot halt our efforts now."

According to Mosab, "Peace will only be attainable after the war. Israel, the free world, the U.S., and all freedom-loving individuals did not initiate this conflict; Hamas did. We have a moral duty to combat it, and this is the true path to peace. Those who stand up against the brutal Hamas movement are the true peacemakers. If you have nothing constructive to contribute, it's better to remain silent."

He emphasized the necessity of disempowering Hamas, stating, "Israel neither desires nor requires a presence in Gaza; this war has been thrust upon it. What we need is patience, unity, and resilience. This is not the time to yield to Hamas and its dangerous strategy. I have been asserting this for two decades."

The Green Prince also pointed out that Hamas had devised a perilous plan that had been ignored. "I spoke to Congress, the United Nations, European parliaments, and worldwide audiences—I spoke everywhere, and my words were met with criticism. Today, we can no longer afford to remain in denial. Ceasing fire now would grant legitimacy to Hamas. If we fail to confront Hamas today, we must contemplate the consequences for tomorrow."

Since the start of the conflict in Israel, Mosab Yousef has experienced a resurgence in his popularity. His social media posts primarily target Hamas, the very organization his father played a founding role in, and advocate for an end to all forms of extremist Islam.

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