US filmmaker Quentin Tarantino has been awarded an honorary degree by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He was given a Doctor of Philosophiae Honoris Causa.
The university also recognized 19 other distinguished honorees from a diverse range of backgrounds and work, along with the 287 HU Ph.D. graduates.
Many on the right in Israel claim that Palestinian Arabs hold little regard for life, their own or those of others. The surge in murders within Arabic villages within Israel in recent weeks is not doing much to dispel that notion. In 2022, the total number of murders in Arab-Israeli towns is already at 47.
Last week, two people were killed within hours, Ali Hassarma in Bana and Sam Kablan in Beit Jann. A 36-year-old man was also shot near the Puridis junction and moderately injured. The background to the shooting seemed to be a simple road rage incident. MDA staff evacuated him to Hillel Yaffe Medical Center in Hadera.
Israel's oldest instirution is getting an upgrade to bring it into the 21st century. Keren Kayemet L'Yisrael, also known as KKL, in English known as the Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), is the oldest organization in the world to establish a platform for mass fundraising, has been reconfiguring the way it works and creating an internal digital revolution.
“The world of donations has changed in recent decades,” says Shariel Gon, director of the fundraising department at KKL-JNF.
“In the past, donors relied on the country’s founders and supplied the necessary funds because they needed to establish a country. Today, people want to know where their funds will be directed and want to receive regular reports and updates on the status of the project. Most of these donors have their money in the Diaspora, are heads of families, well-educated, and want to be able to donate online.”
One of the many things anti-Israel activists fail to mention is that for the most part, Israel allows Palestinians to travel on Israeli roads in Judea and Samaria (The West Bank) while Israeli citizens are forbidden from traveling on Palestinian roads. However, this accommodation given to Palestinians is having a negative impact. According to a special report by a Knesset committee, the lack of enforcement of traffic rules by Palestinian drivers is creating a hazard.
Israel’s finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Education Minister Yifat Shasha Bitton announced the launch of a program to encourage core-secular studies in ultra-Orthodox educational institutions, which are not fully budgeted by the state. Institutions that currently teach 55% and 75% of basic non-religious subjects will be budgeted accordingly. Those schools Will be rewarded with an increasing budget as they increase the scope.